If we are to wake up, it is important to explore the possibilities and reach further to know who we really are. By exploring and remaining open, it is always possible to reach beyond ourselves for enlightening higher wisdom and guidance. The mind is energy and has the power to change matter. Know that matter is simply the physical manifestation of energy. Open your mind to all possibilities. Awareness brings realization. Realization causes an awakening. Awakening brings us to an in-Lightened state. In the light, you will find your truth, and finally you will know the power is within YOU.
The ability to enter a trance state is the foundation of hypnosis. That may sound a little intimidating, but it is quite easy and comfortable. Being in a trance state means allowing our brain waves to slow down. A brain wave is a measurable and recognizable pattern of electrical impulses in our brains. Five brain waves have been measured and identified in human beings: delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma.
The Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a method that has been developed by world-renowned hypnotherapist, author and teacher, Dolores Cannon. A QHHT session is a wonderful experience that takes you on an exciting, safe and pleasant personal journey of self-discovery within your own subconscious mind, a place where understanding and healing can be found by getting in touch with the part of you that knows everything about you and loves you unconditionally.
This infinitely knowledgeable and powerful aspect of ourselves is always present within us and exists just below the surface of our conscious mind -as can be experienced and understood through deep meditation- so Dolores chose in her early years to label it "The Subconscious", but it has also been identified throughout history using a variety of different labels: Higher self, Oversoul, Superconscious mind, Christ consciousness, Higher consciousness, Universal mind and Oneness.
Dolores Cannon’s method of hypnosis, the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), involves inducing an individual into the somnambulistic state of trance through visualization. A state which under ordinary circumstances is experienced twice daily: the moment just before you become consciously awake and the moment just before you fall asleep. Reaching that trance state of mind is rewarding in and of itself. It is peaceful, serene, and safe. Trance alters and enlarges our sense of time. The constructs of the rational mind do not restrict our thoughts. Perhaps most beautifully though, in a trance state, the subconscious mind will begin to communicate through images and metaphors. Our conscious mind is present and witnessing the experience, but it's what Dolors called the subconscious mind is providing the information.
"Past Life Regression is based on the understanding that physical illness and emotional issues originate from emotional baggage or traumas that we still carry from the past into our present. These issues may be affecting your present life in ways that you do or do not understand. Through understanding the underlying cause of the issue, it can be let go of, healed, and resolved, allowing the individual to move forward in life."
People participate in a QHHT session for different reasons: To satisfy curiosity and discover their past lives, to repair longtime phobias, traumas, simmering emotional pains, to recognize meaning and solutions in past and current relationships, to help address physical issues and problems they are currently experiencing, to identify and heal the root causes of illnesses, to gain an understanding into their own life’s purpose and the mystery of existence, and most importantly, to be reminded of their power and connection to Source.
Past life regression If you are here, then you most probably have some understanding about Reincarnation and Karma which are inseparable; Reincarnation is a logical consequence of Karma, it is the cycle of birth and death promoted by Karma. Our thoughts and actions create causes that must be completed, and this provokes our next incarnation. Though we do not consciously remember all of the things that have happened to us in our past lives, our Subconscious keeps a very detailed record. This information is stored within us across multiple lifetimes and can be accessed under the right conditions. Typically, we see a past life that is relevant to our current one and go through the most important days of it. This process varies greatly on the person and what the Subconscious/Higher self wants to show them. We discover who the person was in a past life, where they lived, what they did, and who was around them. We then move on to the end of each life to see how it finished, what lessons it has for the person in their soul development, and if there is still any Karma the person is working through. Every life has a purpose and a lesson and our job is to find out how this past experience can help you in your current life.
Past life regression can help you see the events in other lifetimes that led to this particular incarnation and its unique soul lessons. It can also help you receive healing, release old emotional pain and trauma, find causes for different feelings and patterns in this life, and receive inspiration for the current journey.
Superconscious mind/Higher self This is the most beautiful part of the session as we contact the true power within the person. Superconscious mind/Higher self is the deeper and truer part of us. It absolutely exists, whether you believe it or not. It is buried just beneath the surface of our conscious minds. Superconscious mind/higher self talks to us through intuition, images, sensations and feelings. While we are rarely aware of it, it is constantly observing and recording everything that happens in all our lives throughout time.
Superconscious mind is our link to Source, the Akashic Records, and all of the information encoded within our soul.
When it is brought forward, there is no question it cannot answer. During the session we will ask it for guidance and healing. In many cases instantaneous healing can happen. The level of healing depends on the receptivity and openness of the client to allow this process, as It also depends on the timing and their Karma.
The higher self usually heals with White Light and healing energy, and it is capable of curing physical illness and emotional pain. The higher self often finds the cause of the problem and connects it to a personal life experience, then work on healing that part of the body through high energy and vibration. The person may experience warmth, tingling, a sense of moving energy, a feeling of release and letting go. A major healing and shift is possible during a QHHT session, but it is important for you to assist the process and be open to it. Once a person experiences the Higher Self through a QHHT session, they are more aware that this all-knowing part of themselves is in constant communication with them in a multitude of ways and the person is now able to continue in their current life journey and beyond with a clear, calm confidence they may have not experienced before.
ABOUT DOLORES CANNON Dolores Cannon was a brave, curious kindhearted woman, a past-life regression practitioner, a psychic researcher and an international speaker who lectured on all the continents of the world. She was the author of 19 books based on the insights, knowledge and information collected throughout her 45 year career as a hypnotherapist using her QHHT to investigate reincarnation and unsolved mysteries through past life regression. Her books have been translated into over twenty languages. She spoke with radio and television audiences worldwide. The articles about/by Dolores have appeared in several U.S. and international magazines and newspapers. Dolores was the recipient of the Orpheus Award in Bulgaria, for the highest advancement in the research of psychic phenomena, as well as Outstanding Contribution and Lifetime Achievement awards from several hypnosis organizations.
Dolores is well-known globally for her work in the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, and her style of quantum healing by contacting the "Source of Knowledge" or "Higher Self" to facilitate self-healing and closure. The "Source of Knowledge" or the "Higher Self" will answer questions that help the person achieve instantaneous healing as appropriate.
Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique has been proven to be effective on thousands of people all over the world regardless of their age, gender, personality, religious beliefs or cultural backgrounds.
Dolores made her transition from this dimension on October 18, 2014.